Zum Greifen nah
Bachelor project
interface design, webdesign,
information design, layout
Lucia Hering, Nadja Merkler,
Kim Erhardt
InDesign, Figma, After Effects, Photoshop
Digitization of direct agricultural marketing
A digital concept for regional direct marketing.
"In order to enable people who consciously eat regionally to simplify their shopping, nah offers a digital interface to producers, sales outlets and agricultural products."
Few of us still pay attention to the origin and production of the products we consume every day. Discounters are pushing down prices and farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to attract attention. Due to the import and the inferior marketing of some competing products, buying from a local farm is becoming less and less important. The price difference, the lack of knowledge about the sales locations and the feeling of a high effort to buy there are only three of the reasons that have so far prevented consumers from supporting farms.
We have made it our task to make purchasing from regional producers as easy and sustainable as possible so that conscious and regional purchasing of high-quality food is possible without any problems. In order to increase the attractiveness of consuming products from one's own region and to support producers, we have developed a concept that covers three different areas: Knowledge transfer, shopping for urban and rural residents, and a network of diverse producers and their products.
With "nah", we offer producers and consumers a digital interface that enables uncomplicated and environmentally conscious shopping. Through this interface in the form of an app and website, producers reach a broader and younger audience that is increasingly opting for a more conscious, sustainable and regional diet. Through advertising materials such as flyers and posters, as well as matching stickers, we generate reach and ensure awareness of our application.
In the video above you can see the individual user flows of consumers as well as producers. Consumers can either buy products from the vending machine via the app or order them to the market as needed.
The producers have the possibility to request short information in the app, but also have an extra web access to access more detailed information.
Corporate Identity

For our project we used three different colors. Here we used a light green as the leading color and the orange as the highlight color. The dark green we used for icons or font.
For the font choice, we decided to use two fonts in combination. The Recoleta and the Masion Neue. The Recoleta is a serif font and the heavier weights are ideal for punchy headlines, such as on our posters. Maison Neue, on the other hand, is mainly used for body text.

Also in our logo we united the two fonts, as well as the colors and decided on a word-picture mark. Our icon is a carrot pin, which was created from a location symbol + carrot.
The location point is also the point of the word close. The name as well as the slogan stand for making clear how easy it is and above all how "close" it is to eat regionally.
The posters live up to our name "close". They show that the regional purchase, the products or even the animals are within reach for all of us.
For this we use close-ups of our photography. Behind the close-ups we placed words and short statements, because the photographs should appear closer than the writing and thus again symbolize the proximity.
The flyer serves to market our network and invites the reader to discover our network in more detail.
To publicize the application in the regions, we also decided to use stickers that are in the market order bags and at the market stand. They are intended to remind everyone that they can support regional producers.


On February 24, 2022, an article about our bachelor thesis was published in the Schwäbische Post and Gmünder Tagespost.