Interface/ Information design App and animation
interface design, animation,
information visualization
Lucia Hering, Nadja Merkler,
Kim Erhardt
Figma, After Effects, Illustrator
In Applied Design we dealt with the topic "Migraine".
Migraine is a neurological disease that usually occurs with a severe headache on one side. Around 14.8% of women and 6.0% of men in Germany are affected by migraine. Different triggers such as changes in the weather, hormonal disturbances and stress can trigger a migraine attack. During a migraine attack, the patient goes through the early phase, the aura phase, the headache phase and finally the regression phase. These phases are accompanied by moderate to very severe symptoms. The patient may experience a mild headache but may also be paralysed on one side for a short time. At the same time, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, noise and smell, sensory-motor or speech disorders may occur.
The aim of our work is to offer migraine patients a digital companion for everyday life, in which they can individually analyse their migraine and obtain information at the same time.
The digital companion "MigMate" for migraine patients offers an individual profile in which you can track and monitor your migraine with the help of a calendar and statistics. In addition, one gets a self-diagnosis and a categorisation into one of three migraine types, which are subdivided according to the intensity of the migraine, among other things. The general background information is provided in an animated explanatory video.
MigMate is your digital companion for migraine symptoms.
Application video of the app

As the app diagnoses one of three migraine types, the app is in three different colours. Depending on which migraine type the user is assigned to, the colour changes to either orange, blue or purple.