Lost Places
Information design brochures
BA communication design
typography, layout, photography,
Lucia Hering, Leene Voges,
Kim Erhardt
InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom
lost and abandoned places
The theme of our two magazines is lost gardens. Lost gardens are abandoned houses that carry a story. It is not easy to find such houses. But we did our best and researched intensively, visited remote places and listened around. So we came across two very striking houses, both of which told their story. Now it was a matter of comparing the villa and the small house. Where are the similarities? How do they differ from each other? And why exactly are they so abandoned or remote?
In the course of this, we also thought about how we could compare them in the best way and came up with the idea of designing two magazines at the same time. This way, you can compare the houses di-rectly and browse through them at the same time.
To get all the information and photos, we made our way to the respective houses. The small house is still owned by a family that uses it as a holiday home. Through this family,through newspaper articles and even through a small exhibition, we got to know the past of the house.
The large villa, on the other hand, is completely overgrown with trees and bushes, not owned by anyone and, so to speak, accessible. So we dig our way through to get our pictures. We got suitable information from pictures and things left behind in the house, as well as from the neighbour.